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bhramari - bee pollen butter - anti aging super food


bee pollen butter - skin super food
bee pollen butter that's  intensely powered with protein. Heavy duty skin repair cream. Tightens & brightens skin with glossy finish. this 100% natural product is a blessing from the nature. 
bee pollen efficiently regenrating tissues was a well kept secret. but not anymore. you can now experience this goodness. 

usage & benefits

we haven't loaded this butter much with too many ingredients to ensure that you get the benefits of pollen as much as possible. you can feel the bee pollen particles when you apply it on your skin. avacado in the formulation is such a phenomenal ingredient that blends so well with bee pollen. it was like magic made in heaven.
use this regularly. just a little. but, like everything consistency shows results. you can see pores getting smaller. skin getting toned, the shine in your selfies are added bonus. enjoy. 

scoop out a pea sized cream, apply it on skin & gently massage, leave for few minutes & wash it off. adjust qty if prefer to leave on
store it in cool.& dry place. Contains bee pollen infusion. Test patch mandatory before regular use. Suits all adults. avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
best before 1 year. check mfd in the package




bee pollen, almond oil, avocado butter and oil  shea butter with fresh lavender essential oil


note : the color of the cream varies every new batch. its 100% naturally handmade. the color is completely based on the bee pollen we receive. So, do not worry if the color is different from what is shown on website.  

bhramari story

hi friends, thanks for keenness to know the story behind bhramari. you know that it is made of bee pollen granules. you can feel them when you use it. 

the interesting story is that when i made mahat, the bee pollen face oil,  it was such silky infusion of bee pollen. it was super awesome. however, i was so greedy that i wanted you all to experience the bee pollen itself directly on your skin & enjoy its super efficiency in helping your skin glow with health. 

the formulator in me had enough challenges to bring this to stability without using any preservatives. trust me, in those weeks & months, bee pollen, avacado will fly in large size in my dreams. i used to wake up and note down few things, try it the next day.. there are days, i woke up, brushed & bathed quickly & put on my apron to explore some more methods - some that had popped in my dreams.

but one day, i was really happy with the texture, stability & the effectiveness. and then the search for the name starts. there are still many products that's ready but have not launched because they didn't find their names. 

bhramari means goddess of bees. the goddess is typically depicted as emanating bees and hornets from her four hands. you should google about this if you are interested.  there's more story for every product than i could write here in this page. but sharing atleast some of the interesting stuff behind the product

Size: 24 gms