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sampoorn - pancha deepa oil

sampoorn pancha deepa oil - 500 ml

this oil is carefully, lovingly made with the blend of 5 types of oil that are meant for overall human well-being, evolution, health, happiness, wealth & prosperity. the proportions of oils used is exactly as per the traditional scriptures that are ideal to be used at our home & offices.

like each one of us vibrate a certain energy, oils also have vibration. and choosing the right blend & proportion is very important to create a energy space that’ll help our lives.

all the oils in sampoorn are chosen & sourced with utmost care that are edible grade & are usually used for cooking. know about each of the oil used in this blend in the ingredient section. pl check it. there’s lot of helpful information.

qty: 500 ml of pancha deepa oil in round pet bottle

by lighting diya, we attract & retain positivity in our body, mind and soul. lighting a oil diya mindfully itself is an experience and can bring a huge positive change in your health, happiness & prosperity.

the material of diya, the wick & oil used play very significant role in the energy area created by it. diyas made of gold, silver, brass & mud are recommended. pure cotton wick is the best. and finally the oil – there is significance & benefits for every type of oil used to light a diya

lighting a deepa, twice a day – in the morning & evening isn’t a simple daily mechanical routine. like all our everyday body care routines that are for our overall well-being, lighting a lamp is also a routine that helps our overall health & well-being.

when we need overall well-being, health, wealth, happiness & prosperity, our ancient scriptures recommend a blend of 5 types of oil. and now, with kalyashastra – sampoorn pancha deepa oil – you have the best of best oils to create a very positive vibrating space just by lighting a diya

ingredients & benefits

sesame oil, cow’s ghee, mahua oil, castor oil and neem oil.

for a very gentle fragrance pure essential oils are used – sandalwood, saffron, camphor, basil and tulsi.

significance, benefits & about each oil in sampoorn

sesame oil – organic sesame seeds are chosen, cold & wood pressed to extract oil. the oil used is raw & unrefined. but filtered by allowing the fresh extracted oil to settle for many days to naturally get the sedimentation at the bottom & the top layers of the golden glowing oil is used.

benefits: sesame oil is the first choice of ayurveda since it’s the best plant based oil & its energy helps in cleansing chakras & helps in removing challenges and obstacles in our growth

cow’s ghee: the most satvvic energy creating is cow’s ghee. using ghee in lighting a lamp is utmost preferred & recommended for the huge benefits. here we have used the best edible grade a2 organic ghee from free grazing native cows. the living conditions of cow also have its impact in the ghee. hence carefully sourced.

benefits: agni purana mentions ghee used in lighting deepam, generates abundance of positive vibrations in the surrounding atmosphere. use of cow`s ghee attracts material wealth, health and divine bliss. it spreads an aura of supreme radiance in our living spaces

mahua oil – mahua tree is called tree of life. in tamil – it’s called iluppai, butternut, bassia, etc., it’s small tiny greenish yellowish fruit that looks so lovely. evey part of this tree is very beneficial. this is a very important oil in the blend. the texture of this oil is more like ghee. this oil has so much energy & goodness in it to attract abundance of health.

the mahua is truly a tree of life in tribal india! bark is used as medicine; its fruit for food; and its flowers for wine. the mahua tonic is a herbal remedy for cough, even bronchitis, and is documented in the charaka samhita. knowing this, we have ensured to source the bestest possible to be in this pancha deepa oil blend.

mahua oil has emollient properties and in our traditional medicine systems, it is used in skin disease, rheumatism and headache. it is also a laxative and considered useful in habitual constipation, piles and haemorrhoids and as an emetic. native tribes even today use it as an skin & hair illuminant and hair fixer

benefits – mahua in the pancha deepa oil bring all the health that we need in life. it removes the ill-energy and brings the joy & enthusiasm.

neem oil – organic cold pressed neem oil used in this blend is finely sourced for its benefits. this oil is in the blend helps sharpen our skills, face the rough world & situations & to emerge successfully.

benefits: neem oil diya has its own huge significance in many traditions. it’s believed & proven the neem oil in the blend is to kill any enemity & bring cordial relationships. this energy helps in making us stronger mentally & fight any adverse situation effortlessly

castor oil – organic cold pressed castor oil used in this blend is the thickest viscosity available in the varieties of castor oil. with its energetic benefits, castor oil helps in diya that’ll stay stable & long time to keep the deepa lit

benefits –

the castor oil in the blend helps in closeness of family and relationships, emotional stability spiritual development, fame and prosperity


use required amount of oil in your diya, soak the cotton wick in the oil & light diya.shake well before every use.

light diya twice a day. according to scriptures, the timing recommended to light diya is in pratah sandhya and saayam sandhya.

pratah sandhya: light it half an hour before sunrise, so that your light will transit into the light of the sun.

saayam sandhya: light it half an hour before sunset, so that when the sun sets, your light will already be there to light up the darkness that is to come

there’s also a concept of akhand deepa – where deepa is always lit all 24 hours. our sampoorn pancha deepa oil will be perfect choice for akhand deepa also.

information on cotton wicks or number of diya lit

single wick - ek mukhi – for generic overall benefits

two wicks – dvimukhi – brings harmony and peace in all kinds of relations – family, friends & at work

three wicks  - trimukhi – blesses with progeny and creativity.

four wicks – chaturmukhi – brings all round prosperity and healthy fresh food.

five wicks - panchmukhi – showers akhand aishwaryam or wealth. and hence lit during festivals & specific pooja days

six wicks – shastmukhi – blesses with akhand gyan & vairagyam – this usually in places of education, learning and spiritual growth

there are many other wicks also made -  normally available is raw cotton wick and used wide & is good and sufficient for all benefits

but there are also lotus stem wicks, banana stem wicks, yellow cotton cloth wicks, red cotton cloth wicks, milk weed wicks, etc.,for specific benefits

slokas to chant while lighting diya

why should we chant a shloka while lighting a diya? it’s important. anything.. any task that we do in our every day life needs a sankalpa – that means an objective. and the objective of lighting diya should be to request the divine grace to evolve us & live this life joyfully.

and hence, these shlokas which are sankalpas or our requests are much more effective because it is in sanskrit which is a language of structured vibration.

so, ensure to chant these shloka while you are lighting the diya. it helps multi-fold the benefits that you receive

subham karoti kalyanam
arogyam dhana sampadah
shatru buddhi vinashaya
deepa jyotir namostute

this shloka means - i worship the deepajyoti which brings auspiciousness,good health,prosperity and wealth and destroys all the intellects of the enemy.

deepa jyothi parabrahma
deepa jyothi janardhana
deepo me hara tu paapam
deepa jyothir namostute

this shloka mean - i worship the creator and protector of all the beings and who is in the form of light who destroys the darkness and brings light in my life.